01 October 2012

Music Monday: From My Big Orange Book

In my Big Orange Book, whose purpose is described in a previous post, I copied down the lyrics of Enrico Ruggeri's song "L'Orizzonte (di una donna sola)" in the original Italian, along with my translation. (You'll find the text and translation below the video.) When I began the Big Orange Book, I was living in Houston, going through a long period of solitude, mostly of my own choosing. My closest friends were also colleagues at work, and there were times when I needed to separate myself from my work altogether, which meant separating myself also from my friends. Those times were much needed times of restoration, but they brought a certain weight of loneliness. I guess that's why I took to this song.

L'Orizzonte (di una donna sola) The Horizon (of a lone woman) - words and music by Enrico Ruggeri

Mangiano spesso da sole
     They often eat alone
E si domandano perché
     And wonder why
E quasi si sentono in colpa
     And they almost feel guilty
Se si avventurano per bere un caffè
     If they venture out for a coffee
Parlano ancora di vole
     They talk again about flights
Che non prendono quasi mai
     That they almost never take
Ed hanno paura del tempo
     And they're afraid of time
Perché il tempo ti sa guardare in faccia
     Because time knows how to look you in the face
Ed hanno gli occhi all'orizzonte
     They have their eyes toward the horizon
Ma non vanno via
     But they don't leave
Combattute tra il presente
     Torn between the present
E la malinconia
     And melancholy
Ma il mondo non aspetta ancora
     But the world still doesn't wait
Guardi indietro e già domani è qui
     Look back, and already tomorrow is here
Ci sono donne così, ci sono vite così
     There are women like that, there are lives like that

Perdono troppe occasioni
     They miss too many chances
Non vogliono sbagliare più
     They don't want to make another mistake
Piangono a certe canzoni
     They cry at certain songs
Errori di gioventù
     Errors of youth
Scrivono lettere lunghe
     They write long letters
Che non mandano quasi mai
     Which they almost never send
Ed hanno il colore del vento
     And they have the color of wind
Perché è il vento che porta più lontano
     Because it's the wind that carries farther
L'orizzonte si addormenta
     The horizon goes to sleep
Prima di noi due
     Before we do
E scopri quella luce spenta
     And you discover that extinguished light
Tra le braccia sue
     Within his arms
Tu non sei cambiata ancora
     Still, you haven't changed
Guardi indietro e mi ritrovi qui
     Look back and you'll find me here
Sei una donna così, con un amore così
     You're that kind of woman, with a love like that

E nascondono i pensieri
     And they hide their thoughts
Nel silenzio
     In the silence
Tra le ombre e i desideri
     Between the shadows and their desires
E gli amici più sinceri
     And their most sincere friends
Non telefonano più
     Don't call anymore
Perché quando eri felice
     Because when you were happy
Non televonavi tu
     You never called
L'orizzonte ci risveglia
     The horizon will reawaken us
Quando lo vorrai
     When you want it to
E anche se il tuo amore sbaglia
     And even if your lover makes a mistake
Lo perdonerai
     You'll forgive him
Se qualcuno sta aspettando
     If someone is waiting
Guardi indietro e lo ritrovi qui
     Look back and you'll find him here
Per una donna così
     For a woman like that
Un orizzonte così
     A horizon like that

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