22 July 2012


     In answer to this post's title question, nothing much. As I look at this blank page, typing words merely to fill it, and rummaging around my echo chamber of a brain for any tiny scrap of inspiration, I realize that my life these days is a swiftly-passing series of ordinary details rather than a colorful parade of main events. Today, for instance: it started routinely, with praying the Office of Readings and Lauds, then Mass --
     [detour] I've been pulling double duty at Mass these past several weeks, playing organ and cantoring. Our former long-time cantor/liturgist had to retire per her doctor's orders. Until we find a new cantor, I'm it. Though singing and playing the piano at the same time has never been a problem for me (it was a big part of my job as an opera coach, after all), singing and playing the organ at the same time is a different story. Feet are involved, as well as hands. Some very peculiar, Berg-like bass notes tend to emerge from the pedals while I'm singing. There's also a body mic involved. The mic is attached by a three-foot wire to a little box (don't know the technical name) that has the on/off switch and volume control, etc. and is meant to be clipped to some clothing part or other, but sometimes my outfit affords no such clipping place, in which case I just lay the little control box next to me on the organ bench. Last Sunday, just before I began to play the Communion hymn, I caught my hand in the wire, which caused my body mic (which was on) to fly off my collar and onto the organ pedals, yanking the control box down with it. The racket through the speakers was horrific. Luckily, no one choked on the host in their surprise. I do hope we find another cantor soon.
     -- then after Mass, I hurried home because we were having one of our Sunday family lunches. These are invariably jolly, noisy, and much of Mom's good Filipino food is consumed. Today, after lunch, we had a couple of rousing games of Mexican Train Dominos, which raised the noise level in our tiny house almost to deafening. Whoever said women are the gentler sex has obviously never been around my sisters at their most raucous. 
     Post Dominos, my sister-in-law helped me restore the favorites bar on my computer (I am so hopeless at technical things), which disappeared mysteriously some months ago (the bar, that is; not my computer). I didn't really miss it until I joined Pinterest and discovered I had nowhere to put my "Pin It" button. Which is why my Pinterest page is currently such a washout. But now that I have my favorites bar back and my "Pin It" button on it, rest assured I will be pinning like a madwoman with a voodoo doll!
     Quiet was restored after the family left; my mother settled herself at the dining room table with the Sunday jumbo crossword, and I retired to my room for a soothing episode or two of Frasier before confronting the blank writing box on Blogger.
     Since I have indeed managed to put something up on this blog today (whether or not today's rambles are of any deep interest to anyone is of little consequence to me; I'm just happy I wrote something), I may put this day to rest with a clear conscience. After praying Vespers, I look forward to watching the finale of Food Network Star, which my mother and I have been avidly following.
     All in all, it's been a good day. Good days don't have to be comprised of major events. Ordinary details can be just as satisfying.

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